
I'm Lisa.

My type 1 diabetes diagnosis came in 2002 and for many years, I followed what my doctors taught me. They said to "Eat what you want & cover it with insulin."

But that came with a cost.

After just 10 years with T1D, I was:

  • exhausted from the high and low blood sugar swings

  • constantly hungry and would eat the entire kitchen if I had a low (which was often) 

  • 35 lbs overweight

  • Suffering from clinical depression, IBS, and the beginNing stages of kidney damage

I knew there must be a better way. 

I found that way in early 2014 but I didn't want to believe it.  

After reading Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution book, I rebelled and didn’t try it.

It it seemed too drastic and restrictive. I wasn't ready for it. I didn't think I could do it.

I kept thinking about the book and how I should try, but I didn't want to limit myself. 

After dabbling with Paleo eating and the Whole30 program (which I completed twice in a year), I re-read Dr. Bernstein's book and in January 2015, I knew that I had to try it. 

  • After one day of reducing my carb consumption, I found an immediate and dramatic improvement in my blood glucose levels.

  • After a week of eating lower carb foods, I felt better with less brain fog and more energy.

  • After 3 months, I realized that this is a way of eating to last a lifetime. The results are so good, and the meal plan is manageable and sustainable for the long-term. 

My A1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) was historically "good" (ranging from 7.8% at the high end to 6.3% at the low end during my two pregnancies) but was a result of many highs and lows. When I started eating low carb, my A1c went from 7.1% in January 2015 to 4.4% at the end of April 2015. Since then, I've balanced out with an A1c in the low 5% range. I still use insulin (type 1 diabetes is not curable with diet and exercise, but certainly becomes more manageable) and my insulin amounts are greatly reduced. My insulin requirements went from 40+ units of insulin (bolus and basal) to a current total of 20 units per day.

What i've Achieved:

  • Greatly reduced risk of diabetic complications

  • A1c in the upper 4% to low 5% range consistently since 2015

  • Completely normal blood profile

  • Physically stronger than I've ever been in my life.

  • More daily confidence

  • Lowest weight in the last 15 years (since pre-pregnancy)

  • More energy/less fatigue

  • Clearer skin

  • No daily blood glucose rollercoaster!

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My intention is not to be self-righteous or strong-arm anyone (although my arms are strong!!) 

By changing how I manage type 1 diabetes, I have my life back.

I wish I knew about these methods of diabetes management when I was first diagnosed. Without a doubt, this is the key to diabetes management that no one has been telling us about. 

Low Carb eating is not a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. It's not some sort of quack snake-oil treatment being sold from the back of a Van.

Large-scale studies are being conducted and people are having incredible success with low carb eating for diabetes management.

It's commitment and hard work, but once you see the results, it becomes a no-brainer. Improved blood sugar levels WILL improve your quality of life. 

Or we can live with the standard way of diabetes management, with worsening outcomes over time. I’ve lived that and don’t ever want to go back.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

― Henry Ford

Are you new to low carb, or just curious how we achieve such great blood sugar levels?
We invite you to join our 'Real Life Low Carb’ online course. Click here to learn more and register

Check out our articles for more information about low carb eating for diabetes management.

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Lisa La Nasa was diagnosed with T1D in 2002 and is a Certified Level 2 Diabetes Paraprofessional. Both her mom and brother are also T1D, so although she wasn't diagnosed until age 24, she grew up around T1D. 

Lisa's lived in 4 countries on 3 continents since diagnosis and traveled to many more, including hiking through Thailand 6 weeks after diagnosis. Mom of two beautiful girls (with #2 born in an accidental, unassisted home birth), wife, coffee-fanatic, fitness, yoga & meditation enthusiast. 

Lisa's goal is to help people with diabetes improve their lives through low carb eating and healthy living.