If you'd like to learn how to get Better blood sugar levels, start here.
These 5 crucial tips will get you started on the path to blood sugar management.
The Law of Small Numbers: Small amounts of carbohydrates require small amounts of insulin and only small corrections, when needed. More information in this post.
Focus on eating protein and green vegetables: Change your food, change your life. More information about how to get started with a low carb food plan here and inexpensive, quality protein sources here.
Correct lows (hypoglycemia) with glucose tablets or glucose/dextrose candy. Glucose tablets are small, predictable, portable and you don't need much to correct a low when eating low carb. Read all about why and how of glucose tablets- plus alternatives here.
Once your food is controlled, focus on insulin techniques (if you use insulin): Learn about PreBolus, Protein Bolus and IM shots here, and Basal Testing here.
Low carb is a lifestyle change. Know your body, be gentle with yourself, set yourself up for success, and know that this switch to low carb eating and specific insulin techniques is as much mental as physical. More information here.
If you haven't read Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution book, please do so.
It's available on Amazon internationally, and many chapters are available on Dr. B's website. Also, check out Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes University on Youtube for a wealth of information.
If you're overwhelmed, you’re having trouble getting started, or you need an extra helping hand for ideas, support and accountability, we’re here for you.
Real Life Low Carb (online course) is a self-guided intro to Dr. Bernstein's low carb plan, plus the mindset, goal setting and support that is needed to succeed. You can start today!
Clarity Awaits (online course), this mini-course will help you learn more about who you are, your motivations and what you really desire out of life. This is perfect for those struggling with mindset, motivation and negative self-talk to finally break free of your limiting beliefs and learn what is possible!
1-on-1 Diabetes Education & Coaching - We’re your personal guide, coach, cheerleader and support that you need to succeed. Each coaching program is tailored to fit your needs, meet you exactly where you are right now, and help you achieve your goals with diabetes.
I started Dr. Bernstein's low carb plan for diabetes management in January 2015 and as a result, my health has improved dramatically. I've been yelling it from the rooftops ever since.
We're in this together!
-Lisa La Nasa, founder of diaVerge Diabetes
Observations of a decade of low carb for T1D management. Has it been worth it? What are the regrets? And what has changed in that time.