It’s been an exciting January so far! We’re honored that Lisa La Nasa, founder and CEO of diaVerge Diabetes, was featured in Nasdaq as one of “48 Women To Watch” on January 5th.
This article was a complete surprise, as the writer pulled information from other sources. Lisa did not know about it until after it was published.
You can read the online article here and scroll through the 48 to read all about these fascinating, inspirational women, and to find Lisa’s extreme close up. ;)
It’s our hope that this increased exposure will help to reach more people who are looking for type 1 diabetes care options. This it truly a thrilling time!
Thanks to all of your support and well-wishes on our social media posts on Facebook and Instagram. We truly could not be doing what we’re doing without our supportive network. Thank you!
As mentioned in the article, we’re opening our community platform in March to a select group of beta testers, and we’ll be adding groups to it throughout the year, starting in April. Our ultimate goal is to create an integrated app that combines guided online learning, community and all the necessary data points that we need for diabetes management in one place.
We can’t wait to provide more free learning opportunities to our community, and provide seamless integration for our paid members between our many services and groups.
To be among the first to hear when our new platform is open to the public,
Observations of a decade of low carb for T1D management. Has it been worth it? What are the regrets? And what has changed in that time.