If you've followed me for a while, you know I'm a protein and veggies type of low-carber.
I find diabetes management much easier when controlling the frequency of desserts and casseroles/dinners that contain a lot of ingredients to factor into bolus calculations.
I prefer to keep it simple.
But sometimes, it's a welcome change to have a different taste profile using a new spice mix or sauce. I love a spicy Sriracha Aioli on roasted vegetables (I love it so much that I'll have to write a post about it), and the spice blends posted here on the diaVerge recipe blog, like Magic Mushroom Powder and Southwest Seasoning, can completely transform the standard meat and veggie plate into something spectacular.
Going into summer -- and Father's day -- what better recipe than low carb barbecue sauce?
Just one of the many ways we've use this low carb barbecue sauce -- Served over chopped chuck roast, with sides of Caprese and green salad (including edible pansies).
Low Carb Barbecue Sauce
FROM Wholesome YUM
I was cooking pork ribs the other day and while I can eat them without sauce, my oldest daughter prefers the saucier, the better (maybe that's because she's 10 and has more sauciness at this age than ever before!)
Although she's not diabetic, I try to keep her and her younger sister's pancreas' happy by not loading them full of sugar and processed foods.
In my search for a low carb, sugar-free barbecue sauce recipe, I found this one by Wholesome Yum.
It is ah-mazing and PERFECT for summer grilling! Since making this recipe, I've used this sauce with many different meals, one of which shown above.
This recipe requires a couple of specialty ingredients
Luckily I had all the ingredients on hand so it was quick-cook-and-done.
Liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce are the two more unusual ingredients.
It's very fast to throw together
Just a little of this barbecue sauce makes regular protein into something MUCH more exciting!
We slather this on chicken, pork, beef, and even throw a little into low carb chili.
It's also really good for dipping roasted veggies such as green beans and Brussel's sprouts.
This recipe as written makes 2.5 cups of barbecue sauce. I like to freeze most of this recipe in extra-small Ziploc containers that hold 1/4 cup (2 servings) each.
Specialty ingredients (see note above)
This is slightly higher carb than I'd normally recommend. * You could reduce the amount of Worcestershire sauce, AND reduce the tomato paste to one can instead of 2. If you use only one can of tomato paste, you'll need to ADD 3 oz water (equivalent to 1/2-can-full instead to thin the sauce down. This will make slightly less sauce, but these changes will cut the carbs per serving in half.
If making the recipe as written, it's really thick. *I use both cans of tomato paste, PLUS add some water to thin the sauce down, creating a larger total quantity of sauce, which also reduces the carb count per serving slightly.
This recipe is amazing!
I can't even tell you how much I love this barbecue sauce. Making it once and freezing the rest in portion-controlled containers works really well for my family and my cooking style.
This is a great barbecue sauce! We all thought it very flavorful and it is hard to believe it's low carb.
My oldest daughter said, "From 1 to 10, I give it 1000!" She's definitely a fan.
I want to have this in the freezer, in the 1/4 cup containers, ALL. THE. TIME.
According to my input of this recipe into Cronometer.com, measuring 20 servings per recipe and WITHOUT adding extra water, the macros per serving are just below what the recipe states (this is dependent on the exact ingredients, brands and quantities used):
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE Low Carb Barbecue Sauce Recipe FROM Wholesome YUM
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Today's recipe from Wholesome Yum
diaVerge is not compensated in any way to promote these recipes/products/authors, we just want to support the people who make low carb easier and more fun for us by creating these wonderful recipes!
If you've tried this recipe, let us know what you thought of it in the comments below.
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Observations of a decade of low carb for T1D management. Has it been worth it? What are the regrets? And what has changed in that time.