My Dirty Little Secret About Diabetes

Sometimes I feel like an imposter here.

I follow Dr. Bernstein and I absolutely practice what I preach, but I still feel like I'm hiding something from you. 

Here it goes..... 

_I don't hate (1).png

Wow. did I really just say that? I don't think I've ever written that down before.  

The thing is, this has only been within the last 5 years that I've felt this way. I used to loathe diabetes and everything about it.

Within the diabetes community as a whole, there’s so much bitterness, powerlessness, and defeat when it comes to diabetes.

Although my mom taught me that diabetes was just a part of our lives (both my mom and brother are also T1D) and we needed to get on with it, for years, I still felt the gravity of my diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and intense negativity toward this part of my life. 

I was bitter towards everyone and everything.

I blamed my pump, the insulin, the infusion set, the air (not really, but you get the idea) for every unexpected blood sugar level.

I suffered from clinical depression and was medicated for nearly 10 years of my adult life. I had suicidal thoughts. It was an incredibly dark and grim time… and I had no idea that depression was in any way connected to diabetes…

Until I changed what I ate and regulated my blood sugar levels. 

I can now pinpoint those times of my worst diabetic control and my highest A1c were ALSO the times of my worst depression AND the times that I wasn't motivated enough to improve.

It was a terrible, vicious cycle. 

Changing what I eat and my relationship with food has improved every part of my life.

My depressive symptoms were eliminated with normal blood sugar levels. I speculate that removing gluten from my diet also helped.

I am lighter (both physically and mentally), more in control of blood sugar levels and my outcome, more aware of my body and moods.

My digestive health has improved dramatically. I don’t have issues with irritable bowel syndrome any longer and I’m regular for the first time in my life. (TMI? This stuff is important!)

I’m also thankful for this incredible outlet, where I have the opportunity to focus my energy on helping others. The goal of diaVerge when I started writing in 2015 was to tell everyone I could about the option of low carb diabetes management and how it has improved my life so dramatically.

I've been given an incredible gift of learning about myself, and understanding my own body and mind better as a result of taking control of diabetes.

I also practice positivity and gratitude every day, focusing energy on creating, helping and connecting with a goal of spreading this light that I'm experiencing to whoever needs it. 

Every day, I see my clients experience this same dramatic improvement in mental state, empowerment, and body awareness that comes with normalized blood sugar levels.

I want that for all of you — and the entire diabetes community.

Yes, diabetes is a serious disease; I will never deny that,

but I don’t hate diabetes any longer.

Lisa Signature

Lisa La Nasa, founder of diaVerge

learn more about me here and here